Chińsko-Polski Desk


中国法律快讯 第299期

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  • The Comments Sought on the Anti-Money Laundering Law (Draft Revision)
  • Interim Provisions on the Prevention of Unfair Competition in Cyberspace
  • Opinions on Strengthening Regulation, Preventing Risks, and Promoting High-Quality Development of the Capital Market

中国法律快讯 第298期

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  • Provisions on Facilitating and Regulating Cross-border Data Flow
  • Steadily Promoting High-level Opening up and Making Greater Efforts to Attract and Utilize Foreign Investment
  • Good Supply Practices for Medical Devices

中国法律快讯 第297期

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  • Guidelines for Compliant Labour Dispatch in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region
  • Judicial Interpretation in the Handling of Criminal Cases of Endangering Tax Collection and Management
  • Implementation Regulation of Consumer Rights Protection Law of China

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