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China Business Law

"Who needs a lawyer in China?"

In 1995, when the editor of this book decided to focus his practice on Chinese law, this question was often raised. Today, even Chinese firms see an increasing need to rely on legal expertise, since the rules governing domestic and international transactions and business in general have become rather complex over the last ten years. Chinese law has made remarkable progress and thus it is justified to present an overview of the present Chinese Business Law.

This book is addressed to foreign legal professionals, managers as well as students. Foreign legal professionals will realize that Chinese law itself is sometimes not very different, it is the law’s implementation and enforcement that deserves special attention and sometimes concern. Managers hopefully realize that doing business in China might appear to be very free and personal, but eventually many rules are in place that should be known are respected. Students will be encouraged to understand that China has spent remarkable efforts to create a legal system that facilitates co-operations with the rest of the world.

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Frequently Asked Questions
Our lawyers have carefully prepared a list of questions & answers intended to give foreign business people a short overview of important areas of Chinese business law. These Q&A will provide you with brief but valuable indications on foreign investment requirements, legal forms of companies, arbitration in China, labor and property law, etc.
You may view these Q&A under the following link:
Frequently Asked Questions.
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